The ultimate purpose for the church of Jesus Christ is to glorify God in all things. That is why at Providence Bible Fellowship we seek to be:

  • God-centered

    WE ARE GOD-CENTERED because we believe that the Triune God has sovereignly worked all things in human history for His own glory. That is, every event from creation to consummation has been accomplished by God to reveal Himself. Because we love Him, we are motivated to celebrate Him as the reason for our existence and to glorify Him in everything we do.

  • bible-focused

    WE ARE BIBLE-FOCUSED because we are God-Centered. God has revealed Himself to us in His Word, the Bible. God has declared that all Scripture has been inspired by Him and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness so that we may be complete, prepared for every good work. Therefore, the Bible drives our convictions, shapes our priorities, and directs our decisions.

  • gospel-driven

    WE ARE GOSPEL-DRIVEN because we are Bible-Focused. In the Bible we find the gospel story of God’s work in Christ on our behalf for His own glory. The Father, being rich in mercy and love, sent His sinless Son to redeem those who hate Him from the just condemnation of their sins. All who turn from their sin, surrender their lives to Christ, and trust Him to save them, are adopted by the Father, inhabited by the Holy Spirit, and made fellow heirs with the Son. This glorious gospel is the power of all God’s saving work, from regeneration to glorification. Therefore, we proclaim the gospel to sinners and saints alike.

    These intertwined convictions are manifested in numerous ways...


    OUR WORSHIP is both formal and informal. In our formal worship, God, His Word, and His gospel are at the center of the lyrics we sing, the words we pray, the gifts we give, and the fellowship we share. Because God’s Word is quite simple in its description of the worship and function of the local church, our worship and function is also quite simple. In our informal worship throughout the week, we value vibrant, individual fellowship with the Lord, seeking Him in prayer, listening to Him in the Word, and interacting with Him in His Body, the church.


    OUR TEACHING holds high the Word of God. Our sermons consists of deep, expositional preaching through books of the Bible with a pointed gospel-focus. Our various teaching ministries value text-driven theology over theological systems, kingdom-prioritized application over man- centered pragmatism, and growth in love for God in Christ over mere growth in knowledge. Our biblical counseling ministry uses God’s Word alone—no human wisdom or philosophy—to help people to apply gospel truths to all matters of life and godliness and to grow in their love for the Lord.


    OUR DISCIPLESHIP is characterized by organic, intentional, intergenerational relationships within the body of Christ whereby members stir one another to love and good works. Because following Christ means doing what He does, we strive to make disciples by: (1) pursuing relationships with the lost around us, sharing the gospel with them, so as to gather more worshipers into His Body; (2) using our Christ-given gifts to minister the gospel within the Body to help one another grow to maturity in Him; and (3) leveraging our personal experience and maturity to help train one another to be better disciple-makers.